Tuesday 19 July 2016

Review: Saga, Volume 3

Saga, Volume 3 Saga, Volume 3 by Brian K. Vaughan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a slower book in terms of the 'main' plot, as I suppose you would call it. In the aftermath of what happens in volume too Hazel's family take a moment to rest in Quietus with the author who helped bring them together. There are some sweet moments in this plotline, which are needed I think to help us see the family and understand even more of their personality. I feel like I came away from this liking Alana more whereas before I had firmly been all about Marko. Naturally the peace doesn't last long though!

For the majority of this volume the action is elsewhere. The Will and Gwendolyn are back to chasing after the gang, now with Sophie in tow and I totally didn't see where that storyline was going at all. It was really nice to have a genuine surprise and I couldn't quite believe it. Hope it gets resolved in the next volume... though that isn't likely from what I've read so far.

All in all a solid volume that makes me excited for the next!

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