Saturday 30 July 2016

Review: Order in the Court

Order in the Court Order in the Court by Casey Lawrence
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I received this book from NetGalley for a honest review.

I have to admit I didn't realise this was the second book in the series when I started it, but I actually think this works quite well as a stand alone novel even though I am going to pick the first one up to see even more of the backstory.

This book has some really important issues in it that I've never seen put together before, but it was written in such a way that it didn't feel like the author was throwing in issues just for the sake of it. Everything had a purpose and furthered the story line. One especially telling moment was when Corey was told that if she played up to the Asian stereotype then she jury was more likely to listen to her side of the story. Unfair? Absolutely. True? Sadly, it probably is. Appearances being deceiving are a huge part of this book and I felt like that moment really encompassed it.

The only downside that I found with this book was the was that the story jumped about, it made it quite hard to follow, and everything seemed to happen so quickly. There were so many fascinating characters and the potential was enormous that I would have enjoyed seeing it just a little more. The ending especially felt a little rushed to me, though I would hasten to add that it wasn't a bad ending!

Over all I went into this title totally blind and enjoyed it. I read it in one sitting and was certainly fast paced enough to keep pulling you along! It deals with issues within the LGBT community where Corey is bi-sexual and finds it difficult from a multiple of people to be able to accept that about her, she's suffering from PTSD and at the same time trying to live her life in the aftermath of something truly horrific. With the wrong protagonist it really wouldn't have worked but she is very relateable, likeable and flawed just like the rest of us!
Order In The Court

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