Sunday 17 July 2016

Review: The Children of the Moon

The Children of the Moon The Children of the Moon by Laekan Zea Kemp
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I went into this book expecting it to be the last one, which probably coloured my opinion a little as I thought things were going to be wrapped up. Turns out there is at least one more!

Quite a few things that I had loved about the first two books were missing this time, lost to the sudden new world that Bryn is dealing with and the setting that needs to happen. There is a whole host of characters in this book that don't feel entirely fleshed out and so it becomes a little difficult to care about them. This was in sharp contrast to the introduction of the Rouges in the previous book, who I would have loved to see more of actually. I must say that Cole was a firm new favourite of mine!

You get a lot of new scene setting in this book and that is a little confusing. However, my niggles with this book aren't going to stop me from reading the next one in the series. I'm in the great position where I'm not 100% certain of how things are going to end, it could go in so many fascinating ways!

View all my reviews

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