Tuesday 19 July 2016

Review: Saga, Volume 2

Saga, Volume 2 Saga, Volume 2 by Brian K. Vaughan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Re-reading this one as a way to refresh my memory before reading the rest of the series I picked up so much more than in my first read through. Visually the art is still stunning and when you take the time to really examine the details of it the world is incredibly rich.

This volume focuses on the arrival of Marko's parents, who think they are coming to rescue him, and how they react when they find out who he has married. They are an interesting addition to the cast and I especially enjoyed Barr and Alana's interactions - they felt real and were very touching.

The Lying Cat remains solidly my favourite character, despite only being able to say one word! The way that she interacts with her owner and those who surround him is hilarious! The Will still stays something of a contradiction in this volume. What he does for a job and how he frets about the little girl seem entirely at odds, I look forward to finding out more about him!

The ending was left on a cliffhanger.... again. So onto the next to find out what happens!

View all my reviews

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