Wednesday 6 May 2015

Writing Prompt: "Make A List Of The Twelve Worst Movies Of All Time"

Word Count: 387
Time Taken: 20 minutes
Beta Read: No

"You think it would be a really good idea to do what?" Clara looked over at Sophie, her scepticism clear on her face. Just because it was the first day of the holidays, and it was chucking it down with rain, didn't mean that they should give up having any fun at all. "I'm not spending a good portion of our time off watching movies we hate. It's stupid. Most of  the time we'll be able to go out and do stuff. Today is a one off and there is no need to punish ourselves."

"Ah, but we are also poor, and Netflix and our DVD collections are free!" Sophie enthuses, she is looking more and more excited by the moment, brown hair swirling round her shoulders as she turns to look at her, admittedly impressive, DVD collection. "And you weren't listening to me, it’s not about bad movies! We're going to decide on the top twelve worst movies that most people, including us, think are great."

"That is still stupid," Clara insists, "it doesn't even make sense."

"It does! It's like... Frozen, we both love it... you're still braiding your hair like Elsa's," Clara's fingers twitch as she resists tugging on her hair, which was braided, "buuuuut, if you examine the plot of the movie it all starts to fall apart. Or Beauty and the Beast, which is basically just Stockholm syndrome. Huh, I guess Disney isn't going to do well on our list based on that. Maybe, we should limit it to just one. That would be really difficult to do…"

"We're not making a list!" She breaks that train of thought as soon as she can, or there would be no stopping Sophie. Flopping back onto Sophie's bed, Clara raises her hands to examine her nails. "Why twelve and not the top ten, anyway?" Slowly but surely she is admitting defeat.

Sophie sighs and Clara just knows she is rolling her eyes. "We each get a free pick that the other person isn't allowed to question - obviously. It’s one of the worst movies, no matter what."

Picking at the peeling blue polish, Clara purses her lips. Time to give in with dignity. "Want to watch Frozen?"

They're good enough friends that Sophie doesn't crow in triumph as she goes to grab the film.

Thank you!


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