Saturday 9 May 2015

Writing Prompt: "Describe How The Days Of The Week Taste"

Word Count: 467
Time Taken: 35 minutes
Beta Read: No


Sour, that was how Friday tasted in her mouth. Normally it was a sweet taste, or alcoholic, to celebrate the fact that the weekend was coming. But this was not a usual Friday, this was the day that she was supposed to be getting married. Two months ago this was going to be the happiest day of her life.

Then that had changed. Nothing dramatic. She hadn’t come home to find Sam in bed with her best friend. He hadn’t left her at the altar. Hadn’t faked his own death to escape marrying her.


He’d poured her a glass of wine and simply said that he couldn’t lie to her any more. That he’d fallen out of love with her. There wasn’t anyone else, but he just thought of her as a friend.

When she’d asked him how long he had felt that way, Sam had admitted that it’d been about a year, but that it was hard to throw away a five year relationship.

And so she hadn’t screamed. Hadn’t let him see her cry. Just accepted what he was saying and then two days later his presence was gone from her flat. All hers now. And when she was home the silence threatened to envelop her like the arms of a new lover. She’d taken to turning the radio on, just to stop the lack of noise from invading her brain. Was also seriously considering some sort of pet.

The days used to be bright. She’d wake up and the sun was this extraordinary yellow. Or the grey of the clouds was so strong that she could only describe them as looking like steel. All of her senses had been heightened. The world had been warm. Every day had a flavour – from fresh citrus on a Monday morning to the dark coffee that kept her going to the gym on a Saturday afternoon.

That stopped.

She didn’t feel warm or cold anymore. Just numb. Everything was fuzzy. Nothing had a distinctive taste, it was just mush. She knew she kept smiling as she had before. Kept telling people that she understood. That she wasn’t angry at Sam. That she’d been feeling a bit bogged down too. That she was going to use this as a chance to take a fresh start.

She didn’t say that she felt numb most of the time. Or even worse, that there were times when everything hit with a hideous clarity and she ached, she burned, and everything was so overwhelming that she just wanted it to stop so she could catch her breath. And after it finally went away, she was thankful that they days of the week had gone back to tasting of nothing – it made it so much harder to track the moments she was alone.
Thank you!
<3 o:p="">

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