Saturday 16 May 2015

Writing Prompt: If love could speak what would it say?

Word Count: 353

Time Taken: 20 minutes

Beta Read: No



If love could speak what would it say? That was a question that had haunted people through the ages. Everyone has a different impression of what love is and how you express it. Movies, books, poems, music – all sorts of mediums had been devoted to the topic. I had my own clearly defined expectations. I didn’t think I was being picky. I didn’t need to be told I was the most beautiful girl in the world. Or the smartest. A grand gesture would only embarrass me. I didn’t want any of this just missing each other on a train platform and reuniting again years later.

Just something simple. An offer of a drink being brought. Did I want to dance? Holding my hand.

Every day sort of things, that I had always assumed other people were also looking for. But here I was, thirty years old and single for a depressing amount of time. I’d finally given in and come speed dating as a desperate attempt. I’d tried online dating, but it was so easy to ignore that. Here I had to confront people, had to give it a chance.

The people who I’d met so far had been pleasant, but none had given me that special fizz of excitement in the pit of my stomach. There was currently a break, and I was thankful for it. Fiddling with my phone to look busy I was contemplating sneaking out of the side door.

There was a dipping feeling on the seat next to me and I looked around to see that a woman I’d noticed earlier had come to sit next to me. Lovely in a non-traditional way. A slightly crooked nose over too full lips. Beautiful dark eyes, framed by thick black lashes.

I blinked in surprised and just looked at her. She’d joined me after all.

“So I didn’t want to wait five more turns to come and tell you that you’re the prettiest girl in the room and I’m dying to know more about you.” Her smile was wide and engaging, and before I knew it I was smiling back.


Thank you!


<3 o:p="">

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