Sunday 7 August 2016

Review: London Belongs to Us

London Belongs to Us London Belongs to Us by Sarra Manning
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Be still my beating heart. Jean Luc, you scowling Frenchman. I think I am in love. Can't beat a surly bloke in my eyes.

Ahem. Now onto the rest of this review.

This really is a love story to London. Our capital city that is always bustling in one of its boroughs, with the people and the sheer life and joy it holds. I have to say that in this time, when there is so much worry about just wandering around the city streets, it was a real pleasure to just wander round the city and see it through the eyes of Sunny. She is bright and innocent and while trying to find her douche of a boyfriend, and she ends up finding herself through London.

It's a riot of a ride and you never know what is going to happen next or where Sunny will go next and that is the thrill of this book. The wild characters and just everything about the writing of this story talks about the joy of London, even when awful things happen there is a community that cannot be denied.

I loved it. Every single second.

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