Tuesday 16 August 2016

Review: The Flame Never Dies

The Flame Never Dies The Flame Never Dies by Rachel Vincent
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Flame Never Dies is the second in a series that doesn't hold back. I have to admit that I haven't read the first one before reading this, as I was give a copy of this book for free for an honest review from NetGalley. That being said Rachel Vincent's world building was good enough that I didn't feel lost for long and the customers were fleshed out so well that I immediately understood the group dynamics.

I have read Vincent's Unbound series before and so I wasn't surprised by the quality of relationships portrayed, but the dystopian setting of this book gave the relationships a deeper bonding this time round AND there was noticeable attention to relationships outside of the romantic ones. I loved the grouchy Devi and the sweet Maddock.

I don't want to ruin anything, but I was also impressed by the layers and tricks that were woven into the plotline. Some of them I figured out and I looked forward to their reveal, but these more obvious ones hid the sly twists that hit you in the gut. Leading to some scenes that were incredibly hard to read and I had to take a pause occasionally.

The ending sets up easily for the next in the series (I assume?!) and I am intrigued to find out how this rag tag band of misfits manages to survive... or not? You just never know!

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