Sunday 20 August 2017

Review: The Treatment

The Treatment The Treatment by C.L. Taylor
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

'You have to help me. We're not being reformed. We're being brainwashed.'

This was my first time reading a book by Taylor and I have to say it was one that I couldn't put down. At 300 pages long is is a fast-paced, thrill ride that leaves you wanting to find out just what on earth is going on.

You have to suspend your disbelief for a good portion of the book, the way some of the characters (especially the adults) act totally beggars belief, and in all honesty it paints a pretty appalling picture of our society as it currently stands.

It's the main character of Drew that holds this book together and makes it the success it it. She is a strong character, and her flaws make her seem all the more realistic. She cares and fights for what she believes in, so it made sense to me when the other characters chose to put their trust in her. She's the type of girl I would want to be friends with.

This book is coming out on the 19th of October and I recommend you get your hands on it if you fancy a quick read that will keep you guessing.

View all my reviews

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