Thursday 9 March 2017

Review: Numbers

Numbers Numbers by Rachel Ward
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The first book in the 'Numbers' series, really serves as a prequel to what I would consider to be the main storyline. Its the events that lead up to everything else, and having read all three in the series this first book holds a special place for me.

At first I thought I was getting myself into a dystopian world and so was confused to find myself very much grounded in the here and now, apart from the one crucial difference that was Jem's special ability.

There are huge things that I do find incredibly unbelievable about it. And several times I just wanted to smack some sense into the pair of them, but for the most part I felt like the author did her characters justice. Both Jem and Spider are hideously flawed and that is what made them seem real. How can you root for people and their relationship if you don't believe they are actual people. The flaws also made it more charming that they came together.

I certainly came to care for them enough that during the final few moments of the book (even though you KNOW it has to happen) I was sad and secretly hoping something would happen to fix it all.

Well worth a read, but just know what you're getting into and you have to read the whole series to truly appreciate it!!

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