Sunday 22 October 2017

Review: All The Wicked Girls

All The Wicked Girls All The Wicked Girls by Chris Whitaker
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

All The Wicked Girls is a simply stunning second novel from Chris Whitaker. I loved Tall Oaks so much that I actually put off reading this book because I was so worried that I wouldn't enjoy it as much. However, I am pleased to report this exceeded my expectations.

What I really loved about this book was the way it made me hold my breath. My friends all know that I usually see the twist coming and can predict what's happened. Not this time. Whitaker kept me guessing the whole way through, which is a lovely unique experience for me!

When I read Tall Oaks, the one issue I had was the wide cast of characters and I found them hard to relate to. Not so this time. The cast was just as wide, but the authors skill has improved and I actually felt a connection to them all - whether it was a good or bad feeling there was one. Nobody hit me as just a filler person. And it was the nuances of the people that really hit home and even when somebody did something awful I couldn't help but sympathise with them (with one notable exception) because they were multi-dimensional.

Honestly, I am so happy that I finally got around to this book and I will be eagerly waiting for the next title from Chris Whitaker!

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